My Jobs@UNI Messages

My Jobs@UNI Messages

 Click Button Option Messages

The Jobs@UNI system has an internal messaging system. The email address you provided during registration process is the Jobs@UNI primary method of communication. The supplemental internal messaging system allows for quick and easy access to communications from the search committee during the application process. When you receive a new message from the search committee, the New Message! button will appear in the header navigation menu. Click once on the New Message! button to access your Jobs@UNI message(s).
New Message Button

 New Messages New Messages

New messages will have a New Messages icon next the subject of the message. The system will also display the date and time the message was received.
My Jobs@UNI Messages

 Access Messages Link Access Messages

To access a message, click once on the message subject link.
Access Messages Link

 Click Button Option Return to your Messages

After reviewing a message, click once on the Return to your Messages button to close the message and access the full listing of messages.
Return to your Messages Button

 Click Button Option Delete Messages

After reviewing a message, click once on the Delete Message button to permanently delete the message.
Important Important Note:
The system will not warn you to confirm the deletion.

Delete Message Button

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