Introduction to Psychology

This webpage will keep a record of the Powerpoint outlines used in lecture (but note on some days we will cover materials in other ways, so there will not be an electronic outline.) Of course outlines are not a substitute for coming to class since the visuals, videotapes, examples, demonstrations, announcements, and discussion from class cannot be included here. Also keep in mind that you are responsible for what is contained within the assigned readings in our text, even though we won't have time to cover everything during class. In fact, lecture will often will include material not covered in the book.

Outlines of Powerpoint Lectures and Some Related Weblinks*

* I frequently modify lecture material at the last minute so these outlines are not a perfect record of what went on in class.
They also do not include any overheads, diagrams, board work, demonstrations or video information from class.
Psychological Disorder
Social Psychology

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  [intro to psych ] [biopsych] [for new students][e-mail]This page was prepared by Linda Walsh, Dept. of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0505.
Last updated 9/25/07