Legacy Exception Entry

Last Updated: 3/15/2013


Category of Issue: Registrar's Office

Issue name: Backlog on data entry of legacy exceptions.

Issue resolution status: Resolved - In Progress.

Due date: Ongoing.

Issue description:

Due to the complexity of the legacy data, all of the student exceptions on student's plans must be analysed and entered into the new SIS manually.

Due to the historically high volume of exceptions this data entry is still not complete.  This will affect student's Advisement Reports, by not including all of the course substitutions and exceptions.


Planned solution:

The Registrar's Office is prioritizing the entry of exceptions to those currently graduating students and current students and entring those exceptions first.

We have internally reallocated funding to provide for a new Record Analyst.


The undergraduate legacy exceptions have been entered in the new system for all current and recent students.  The entry is ongoing for the graduate student exceptions.