CETL Committee Member Description Change

Calendar Item: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 

Background and Context for the Request

The Advisory Committee for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is composed of one representative from CBA, COE, CSBS, and Rod Library, and two representatives from CHAS.  The Faculty Senate also appoints a member of the committee each year. The Associate Provost for Faculty and the CETL Director, who chairs the committee, are ex officio members. The make-up of the committee ensures that faculty from each college and the Rod Library are involved in CETL governance, support and planning.

The Advisory Committee for the CETL has been in existence as a Faculty Senate Committee at least since the time of UNI’s former Center for the Enhancement of Teaching.  When the current Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was established in 2013, the description of the committee remained as it had been.  This petition requests the addition of a more detailed description of the Advisory Committee Members’ duties to the Committee Memberships Document created by the Committee on Committees so that those conducting elections, as well as potential members of the Advisory Committee, understand more clearly the nature of the position. 


Summary of Petition Request

This petition requests that a more detailed position description for members of the Advisory Committee for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning be added to the Committee Memberships Document developed by the Committee on Committees.

Current Description of the Advisory Committee for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning:

In the 2015-2016 Committee Memberships Document developed by the Committee on Committees, the current description of the CETL Advisory Committee reads: 

“ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING (CETL)  (3 yr*): Oversees and provides direction for the activities of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.  Meets each semester or as required.

*Members are elected for 3 year terms, and are limited to two consecutive terms.”

Proposed Description of the Advisory Committee for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning:

“ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING (CETL)  (3 yr*): Oversees and provides direction for the activities of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.  Meets each semester or as required.

*Members are elected for 3 year terms, and are limited to two consecutive terms.”

Members of the Advisory Committee for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning assist the CETL by:

1. Serving as advocates for the CETL in their departments/schools and colleges, and helping to foster a vibrant culture of teaching and learning at UNI.

2. Promoting and participating in CETL events.

3. Identifying and prioritizing the immediate and long-term activities of the CETL.

Meeting Date: 
Sep 28, 2015