The Facts

    Monday, October 4th, 2004, a crime occurred in Seerely Hall.  There were two eyewitnesses to the crime where they describe the perpetrator as a 5'4" Caucasian female with long brown hair in a ponytail wearing a white hat, blue jeans, and a gray sweat shirt stabbed a dark-skinned Caucasian male about 5'9".  The eyewitnesses called 911 as soon as possible and the police and crime scene investigators were on the scene shortly after.  The victim was 24 year old Bradley M. Okdie, a student of UNI and a resident of Waterloo, IA.  Okdie suffered two deadly stab wounds to the right abdomen  and multiple lacerations to the hands and arms in self defense. 

    As of this time, there are suspects the police are working with, but no information has been released yet. 
The trial will be held starting Monday December 6th, 2004

Stay tuned for more information as it is made more public. 

***Note:  This web site is created as part of the class project, nothing is real, and is put together by members of the media, and therefore, not all facts may be precisely correct.



