Example of Assignment with 5 KeyFrames

  1. The text M - a - r - k -- J effect is NOT required. It required 5 additional keyframes and 5 additional layers to "sign my name" and personalize the animation. We will do that how to animate text as separate letters on Friday in the lab in ITT 136 (Studio 2).

  2. The main animation (of theBall symbol (Movie Clip type Symbol) required the 5 different KF's as explained on your Wednesday 1/23/08 handout.

  3. Note that the Align to Stage panel (or the corresponding Modify menu Align subcommands allow you to place the ball exactly at the top left corner or the bottom right corner or the center of the STAGE.

  4. Buttons have FOUR states: UP, OVER, DOWN and HIT

    In the OVER state, it is common practice to have the button change color to signal the user their mouse is OVER the button.

    In the DOWN state, it is typical to have the button move to show the user they successfully clicked it. Its common to have the button move downward and rightward on the screen, i.e. head that button toward Florida, toward the southeast part of the window.

    See RED STOP or Pause button and GREEN GO or Resume button example. Note how the animation (Motion Tweens between several of the KFs) now includes some Rotate CW and Rotate CCW features.