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Iowa Folklife Volume II Danish Unit Asian Indian Unit Old Time Music Unit
      Danish Lesson Plans
the country danes in iowa the movement hardanger embroidery
  holiday traditions music and dance    
  lesson plans resources traditional artists

Goal:  Explore Danish traditions in Iowa and, through them, gain a better understanding of other immigrant traditions.

Objectives:  Students will be able to

  1. Locate Denmark on a world map or globe.
  2. Describe the history of Danes in Iowa.
  3. Explain the significance of the Danish folk school movement.
  4. Identify Hardanger embroidery.
  5. Explore traditional instruments used in Danish folk music.
  6. Describe various Danish holiday Traditions.
  7. Compare/contrast Danish traditions and immigration with other ethnic traditions
Questions to be answered:
  1. Where is Denmark located in the world?
  2. When and why did so many Danes settle in Iowa?
  3. Why did the Danish folk school movement develop and become so popular?
  4. What is Hardanger embroidery, and how does it differ from other kinds of embroidery?
  5. What are some traditional instruments popular in Danish-American culture?
  6. What are some typical Danish holiday traditions?
Suggested Methods and Activities:
  1. Students locate Denmark on a world map and create a timeline highlighting the movement and settlement of Danes in Iowa. Compare the story of Danish immigration to that of other groups.
    Visit the websites: 

*This activity may be modified for all grade levels.

  1. Why did the Danes embrace the folk school movement? What methods do other groups use to preserve their traditions in the United States? For resource information, look over the other lessons in Iowa Folklife 2 as well as

    *This activity may be modified for all grade levels.

  2. Ask students to share what they associate with Denmark.  Students create puppets and perform a puppet show based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen. Use resources listed for story ideas: 
*This activity most appropriate for grades 2-6.
  1. Discuss the various styles of embroidery, and take a closer look at Hardanger embroidery.  Provide examples if available. Consider other forms of needlework and how they represent a group’s culture. Visit for information:

*This activity may be modified for all grade levels. Grades 2-4 may create geometric designs on graph paper while older grades may try different forms of embroidery.

  1. Students discuss the various instruments used in Danish culture. Invite a guest to play Danish music or find traditional Danish music online. 

*This activity may be used with all grade levels.

  1. Create Danish Christmas ornaments, including traditional paper woven hearts.  Explore various designs made by cutting paper and create a mobile. Visit the websites:

    *This activity most appropriate for grades 2-6.

the country danes in iowa the movement hardanger embroidery
  holiday traditions music and dance    
  lesson plans resources traditional artists
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