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  1. What is the vesting schedule for TIAA-CREF?
    If you are over the age of 55 and apply to begin at least minimum retirement benefits (TIAA-CREF of IPERS), you are eligible to receive a payout of your unused sick leave. The total payout will be the number of hours accrued on the date of retirement multiplied by the hourly wage rate up to a maximum of $2,000.

  2. Can I make a hardship withdrawal?
    No. If you are still employed by the University you are not allowed to make early withdrawals for any reason. You may however, make early an early withdrawal from your TIAA-CREF Group Supplemental Retirement Annuity (GSRA).

  3. How do I change my beneficiary?
    If you wish to make a beneficiary change, please download and complete the TIAA-CREF Beneficiary Change form and send directly to TIAA-CREF. You can also access your account at and change your beneficiary designations.