
Syllabus (& Textbook) Quiz  - It is recommended that you highlight this information in a printed copy of the syllabus as you complete the quiz.

1. Location of Dr. Walsh's office:

2. How do you recognize REQUIRED readings and assignments in the syllabus?

3. Where can you find our online syllabus?

4. Number of research participation credits or paper alternatives required to receive a grade in this course:

5. Requirements concerning makeup exams:

6. Where do you turn in hard-copy assignments and pick up graded hard-copy assignments?

7. Assignment points make up about ________ per cent of your semester grade.

8. Can you earn extra credit points in this class?

9. Approximate number of pages of Psych readings you should read per class day:

10. Page through Chapter 1 of our text (as an example) and count up the number of places you can test
     to see if you are understanding and remembering what you read with "Retrieve It" questions or "Experience the Testing Effect" review tests.  
     The number of places is: ________
   Repeatedly testing yourself is one of the most ESSENTIAL study techniques!!

11. Everything that's important will be covered in lecture.  T OR F

12. Everything that's important will be covered in the textbook.  T OR F

13. Most test items will be on facts and definitions.            T OR F

Optional: After reading the syllabus, do you have any questions?