Study Method: Copy and paste this list and then space it so you can answer the questions.
Studylist 1

(from Chapter 1 and lecture)
Introduction to the Field of Psychology and Career Paths

What is the definition of psychology?
What training is necessary to pursue psychology (masters and various doctorates) as a career?
What are the 7 current perspectives or approaches in psych (Table 1.1) and their main focus?
What is the "combination approach" known as the biopsychosocial approach (Figure 1.1)?
What are the 9 best known subfields or areas of specialization of psychology? (p. 12 & more detail and a few additional subfields in Appendix C)
What are the differences between a counseling psychologist, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, & psychoanalyst?
Why is the discipline of psychology considered a science?
What is the difference between "basic research" and "applied research" by psychological scientists?

Research Methods Used by the Science of Psychology

Why is the scientific method cycle considered to be "self-correcting"?
What is a theory and why might a theory be changed or discarded?
(we used autism as an example of how theories have changed as more research was completed)
 What are the basic characteristics of these Descriptive Methods?
        case study
        naturalistic observation
        survey method
        case study
What is a random sample and why is it used?
(we used ADHD as an example of how multiple descriptive methods contributed to our understanding of ADHD)
What is a correlation? What are the characteristics of these 2 types of correlations:
        positive correlations
        negative correlations
  What is a correlation coefficient?
      How does it indicate the direction of the relationship?
      How does it indicate the strength of a correlation
   Which goal of psychological research is most related to correlations?
What are the limitations of correlations/correlational research?
What is the basic format of an experiment?
What is an hypothesis?
What is random assignment and why is it used?
What is the difference between the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE (IV) and the DEPENDENT VARIABLE (DV) in an experiment?
What is the difference between the EXPERIMENTAL GROUP and the CONTROL GROUP in an experiment?
Why does a researcher have to provide detailed OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS of the IV and DV amd research procedures of their study?
What is the double-blind procedure and why is it used?
What is informed consent?
What is debriefing after an experiment?
Why is replication of research important?
What is a theory?  Why might a theory have to be modified or discarded?
    What are the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder?
    How have theories about the cause of autism changed in response to research data?

Chap 3 Consciousness and Sleep Portion Only
Studylist for Just the Sleep/Dreaming Portion of Chap 3 and Lecture

How does psychology define consciousness?
What is the "continuum of consciousness" and some of the daily variations in our state of consciousness?
What is dual processing or the "two track mind"?
What is blindsight and was track of processing does it involve?
What is selective attention? What are the limitations of selective consciousness?
    What is inattentional blindness? Can you give an example of inattentional blindness?

Can you give some examples of biological rhythms?
What is a circadian rhythm? Where is the biological clock for circadian rhythms and what influences this clock?
What is melatonin? What effects does it produce?
What are some behavioral problems that result from your behavior schedule not matching your circadian rhythm schedule?  
How is sleep research is done? What measures are used?

What are the main EEG-indicated stages of sleep and how does the EEG change when we go from alert wakefulness to relaxation,  to deepening sleep, and, later, intoREM sleep?
What is the typical cycle of sleep stages through a night's sleep?
What are the characteristics of NREM sleep compared to those of REM sleep?
Describe 5 different theories of why we sleep.
What are the characteristics of the following sleep disorders/problems:
    sleep deprivation or sleep debt (getting less sleep than you need)
    night terrors
    sleepwalking and other complex sleep related behaviors
    sleep apnea
    REM behavior disorder
What are some of the consequences of insufficient sleep?
What are 5 different theories of why we have dream/REM sleep?