Studylist for Chapter 7

the ESR model of memory (encoding, storage and retrieval)
(see Step-by-step 7.1)
the 3 Stage Memory Model (see Step-by-step 7.2)
characteristics of sensory memory, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM) 
iconic and echoic sensory memories
types of long-term memories
    declarative memories
        episodic memories
        semantic memories
    nondeclarative memories
        procedural memories
        conditioning memories           
duration and capacity of different types of memory 
chunking of memory input
maintenance vs. elaborative rehearsal
updated view of STM: working memory

serial position effect (primacy and recency effects) 
recall vs recognition tests of memory 
retrograde amnesia vs anterograde amnesia 
categories of long-term memories (declarative/explicit and nondeclarative/implicit)
    2 types of declarative memories: episodic and semantic
    3 examples of nondeclarative memories: procedural memories, conditioning memories, and priming

network theory of LTM memory organization 
automatic and effortful encoding 
encoding specificity principle
    context dependent memory
    mood congruent memory
    state dependent memory
retrieval cues

5 theories of why we seem to forget
    encoding failure

        retroactive vs proactive interference
    retrieval failure
    decay of memories
    motivated forgetting (e.g. repression)

reconstructive nature of memories

memory difficulties to watch out for
    serial position effect
    misinformation effect and false memories
    source amnesia or misattribution
    the weakness of massed practice (compared to distributed practice)
    implications for the law enforcement and legal systems
    Elizabeth Loftus's research
    false memories

brain mechanisms of memory (see Concept Organizer 7.1 on p 234)
    role of the hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum and cortex in memory
    types of amnesia/memory problems
        retrograde amnesia
        anterograde amnesia   
              the case of HM (p. 216)
        Alzheimer's disease