Studylist for Chapter 6 and Lecture

Basic forms of learning (conditioning)
Associative learning - brain automatically registers things that occur close together in time (learned associations)

Classical conditioning - Ivan Pavlov
    neutral stimulus (NS)
    unconditioned stimulus (US)   ("unconditioned" means it did not have to be learned - body responds reflexively to this stimulus with no previous experience)
    unconditioned response (UR) (the built-in reflexive response to the US - again, this biological response did not have to be learned)
    conditioned stimulus (CS) stimulus which only comes to trigger a response because of learning
    conditioned response (CR) learned response to the CS

Terms describing this type of learning/conditioning
acquisition or initial associative  learning
generalization of the learning to other similar stimuli
stimulus discrimination - learning that some stimuli should not trigger a response
extinction - disappearance or loss of the learned response
spontaneous recovery - the reappearance of a learned response that had disappeared/extinguished
higher order conditioning

examples of classical conditioning
conditioned emotional response (Watson)
conditioned physiological responses
conditioned responses to images or sounds

Operant Conditioning and Cognitive Learning)
Edward Thorndike, his puzzle box and his "law of effect"
Operant conditioning;  BF Skinner
operant chamber or Skinner box
systematic investigation of the impact of "consequences" on behavior
    positive vs negative reinforcement
    primary vs secondary reinforcers
    positive vs negative punishment
    primary vs secondary punishers
disadvantages of the use of punishment
ways of modifying behavior without using physical punishment
behavior modification
Shaping a response using reinforcment, contingencies, schedules of reinforcement
continuous reinforcement - reinforcing every correct response
alternative to continuous reinforcement: partial reinforcement or "schedules of reinforcement"
    fixed ratio (FR)
    variable ratio (VR)
    fixed interval (FI)
    variable interval (VI)
Acquisition, generalization, extinction, spontaneous recovery, higher order conditioning terms can also be applied to operant conditioning situations

Cognitive learning

"Latent Learning" and Cognitive maps (Tolman)
Insight learning (Kohler)
Observational or social learning (Bandura)
Biological basis for imitation of a model  - mirror neurons