Studylist for Chapter 14 and Lecture

Different ways of defining what is abnormal

"medical model" of psychological disorders
Factors emphasized by each of the 7 perspectives in psychology (see Concept Organizer 14.2)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5)
    subcategories in DSM5 (we will focus on the first 8, but we have encountered examples from 9, 15, & 19 earlier this semester)

Anxiety disorders (characteristics of each of the following)
 generalized anxiety disorder 
 panic disorder 
 phobias (social, specific & agoraphobia)
what causes or contributes to the development of anxiety disorders
    Which of these disorders may be biologically based? 
    Which are influenced by learning?

 obsessive-compulsive disorders (no longer included in Anxiety Disorders category in DSM 5)
 post-traumatic stress disorder (see p 96-97) (no longer included in Anxiety Disorders category in DSM 5)
Depressive and bipolar disorders - characteristics & proposed causes, treatment  - no longer a single category in DSM 5
 theories about the causes of depression 
 major depressive disorder
 bipolar disorder, characteristics of mania
what causes or contributes to depressive and bipolar disorders
Beck’s cognitive theory of depression 
learned helplessness 
genetics, brain differences and neurotransmitters related to depression

Schizophrenia -characteristics 
 proposed causes (genetics, brain differences, transmitters, stress) 
 diathesis-stress model
 positive vs negative schizophrenic symptoms 
 delusions (paranoid, grandeur, reference) 
Diathesis stress theory

Dissociative disorders 
 dissociative or psychogenic amnesia 
 dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)

Personality disorders 
  antisocial personality disorder 
  borderline personality disorder