Psychedelics or Hallucinogens

aka “psychotomimetics”

Serotonin-Like Hallucinogens

u   lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

u   psilocybin (Mexican magic mushrooms)

u   ololiuqui (Morning glory seeds)

u   dimethyltryptamine (DMT)(“businessman’s LSD”)

u   bufotenine in some toads

u   Most seem to activate subtypes of the 5HT2 receptors

Psilocybin Mushrooms


Morning Glory Seeds
(aka ololuiqui)

u     Contain an LSD related compound, d-lysergic acid amide (about 5-10% as strong as LSD). Used for spiritual purposes in Central & South America.

u     Negative side effects (vomiting, headache) limit its popularity for recreational use.


u   Active ingredient present in secretions of some toads.

u   Sine evidence suggests this psychedelic is produced in some autistic, mentally ill, and paranoid/aggressive individuals.

LSD History

u    created by Albert Hofmann for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals

u    was studying vasoconstriction produced by ergot alkaloids

u    initial exposure was accidental absorption thru skin

u    so potent ED is in millionths of a gram (25-250 micrograms) & must be delivered on something else (sugar cube, gelatin square, paper)

Characteristics of LSD & Other “Typical” Hallucinogens

u   Somatic/Autonomic (sympathetic) changes occur first (relatively mild)

u   Sensory/perceptual changes follow

u   Cognitive changes occur even later (3-4 hrs after taking)

u   Hallucinogenic effects last ~6-8 hours

u   Rapid tolerance but no dependence

Common Effects

u   Sensory distortions (color, size, shape, movement), constantly changing

u   Vivid closed eye imagery

u   Synesthesia

u   Altered recognition, feelings of novelty

u   Altered body image & feelings of self

u   Decreased logic & reality testing; confusion

u   Altered emotions and feelings of insight

Bad Trips

u   Panic reaction; feel out of control & like you are losing your mind

u   Unpleasant perceptions (claustrophobia, paranoia, overload)

u   Emotional crisis (depression, feelings of worthlessness or meaninglessness)


u   “Talking down” in a less stimulating, re-assuring environment, turning their attention to more positive topics

u   Sedatives or antipsychotics in extreme cases


u   Flashbacks (“hallucinogen persisting perception disorder”)

u   Post-use depression, confusion or boredom

u   Some may show impaired cognitive function with heavy use

Other “Typical” Hallucinogens

u   Less potent than LSD so doses are in mg. not mcg.

u   Natural plant products more likely to cause nausea, headache, hangover feelings.

u   Like LSD, effects greatly dependent on user-characteristics.



Catecholamine-Like Hallucinogens (like NE, DA)

u   Peyote

u   Mescaline

u   Hallucinogenic amphetamines like MDA or MDMA

u   Nutmeg (myristin, elemicin)

u   “Club drug” 2CB is bromo-mescaline


u     Cactus heads cut and dried. 5-20 buttons (containing 200-800 mg mescaline) are used.


Methylated Amphetamines

u   Most are hallucinogenic amphetamines

u   Some degree of stimulant properties + hallucinogen properties.

u   Risks: hyperthermia, increased BP, bruxism/jaw clenching, restlessness, possible seizures, bad trips.

u   Animal research on similar doses shows neurotoxicity.

Ecstacy (MDMA) §

§AKA  E, X, XTC, Adam, hug, love drug
§methylene-dioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)
§Multiple effects
§Stimulant rush & stimulant body effects
§Hallucinogen-like - enhances visual and tactile senses, but produces few hallucinations
§Emotional – empathetic, sensual, feel safe, lowered defenses
§5HT release and blocks reuptake; can lead to depletion
§Animal research shows loss of 5HT neurons after MDMA; human brain imaging suggests decreased brain activity but no “before” and “after” comparison possible

Anticholinergic Hallucinogens

u   atropine

u   scopolamine

u   Datura plant family (e.g. jimsonweed), Atropa belladonna, and other plants containing belladonna alkaloids)


Anticholinergic Hallucinogens

u   “Belladonna alkaloids” (atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine)

u   Found in many plants (Datura family (jimsonweed, thornapple), Atropa belladonna (Deadly nightshade), henbane, mandrake)

u   Used in past as beautifiers, poisons, in witchcraft/black mass

Anticholinergic Action

u   Blocks ACh receptors in the CNS causing a type of delirium, clouding of consciousness, disrupted memory, & then sleep

u   Also blocks the ACh in the parasympathetic N.S. (thus dilating pupils, dry mouth, racing heart)

Modern Usage

u    Datura is smoked with tobacco, marijuana, or opium in the Far East; US teens experiment with wild Datura

u    Atropa belladonna cigarettes to treat asthma are sometimes abused

u    Synthetic anticholinergics meds (Cogentin, Artane) may be abused

u    Atropine’s anti-parasympathetic action is used medically

Amanita Muscaria

u   a nonpoisonous member of the Amanita mushroom family

u   produces dreamy intoxication, mood swings, hallucinations

u   its been used many places around the world

u   contains both 5HT and ACh related compounds