
categories of antidepressants

    tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

    monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

    restrictions for those on MAOIs

    selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

     Miscellaneous others (SNERIs, NERIs, Wellbutrin)

for each category know : an example or two, how they work, side effects, risks/drawbacks, time course of effects,
and what else they may be prescribed for.

how do SSRIs differ from earlier antidepressants? What drawbacks do they still have?

SSRI withdrawal

serotonin syndrome

why might one use one of the "miscellaneous" antidepressants like buproprion (Wellbutrin)?

monoamine theory of mood

Use of "antidepressants" for anxiety disorders (e.g. panic disorder, phboias, OCD)

drugs used to treat bipolar disorders

    lithium (side effects? risks? patient problems? time course?)

    "therapeutic window" for lithium

    anticonvulsants (examples? side effects? risks?)

    antipsychotics (Which are used and when?)

types of neuroleptics/antipsychotics

    "typical" antipsychotics


    "atypical" antipsychotics

(for each category know : an example or two, how they work, what aspects of schizophrenia show improvement, side effects, risks/drawbacks)

particular benefits of atypicals? drawbacks?

Dopamine Theory of schizophrenia; what other neurotransmitter may play a role in atypical antipsychotic action?

extrapyramidal motor disorders (different types)

neuroleptic malignant syndrome

other uses for antipsychotics


forms of cannabis and their potency

routes of administration and differences between those routes

common body effects

common behavioral effects

side effects or adverse effects/risks

medical uses

pattern of use in US

active ingredients in cannabis and how they seem to act on the brain

tolerance & dependence?

Legal cannabinoids


main groups of hallucinogens, examples of each, & how each seems to act on brain
    classic hallucinogens
        5HT like
        NE like
    anticholinergic delirients
    hallucinogenic anesthetics
common physiological and behavioral effects of each group, how do they differ

time course and potency of hallucinogens

risks ( eg. Risks of LSD, Ecstacy, PCP, anticholinergics)

history of LSD and its use


various types of inhalants; examples

action of inhalants

common effects on behavior and body


pattern of use signs of inhalant abuse