What is meant by lateralization of function? 

the anatomy and function of the corpus callosum, the largest "commissure"

review the relationship between the right & left visual fields and the 2 hemispheres

review the relationship between the right & left hemispheres and the sensations from and movements of the body

What is a seizure?     When do seizures qualify as epilepsy? 

2 main categories of epilepsy (primary vs secondary) and their causes

generalized vs focal seizures

why cutting the corpus callosum would be expected to limit the spread of focal seizures 

How are split brain patients tested by researchers?

What kinds of results from split brain research support the notion of lateralization? 

What functions each hemisphere is dominant for (make a detailed list for each) 

Give an example of competition between the hemispheres after surgery

Besides studying split brain patients, how else have researchers learned about right hemisphere/left hemisphere differences?

What is the relationship between handedness and lateralization? 

What is the planum temporale? What right/left differences have been noted here? 

Name, locate and explain the function of the various parts of the language system of the brain

What is aphasia?

What happens if the frontal lobe portion of the language system is damaged and what are the symptoms? What is this called?

What happens if the temporal lobe portion of the language system is damaged and what are the symptoms? What is this called?

What kinds of research have explored language like abilities in other species?

Which species seem to show aspects of language function - give some specific examples.


Sexual Differentiation
describe the relationship of the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary (how does it control or send messages to the anterior pituitary?) 
draw the chain of command (hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, ovaries or testes and write in what kind of hormones are released at each level (related to sexuality). Draw in the feedback loop as well. What actually provides the feedback signal? 
How does a sex chromosome play a role in the very first step of sexual differentiation? (be specific) What is the gene called?
Beyond that first step, what has the strongest influence on the remainder of sexual differentiation? (be specific)
What is meant when we say sex hormones have ORGANIZING/developmental effects?
describe how one comes to have either male (wolffian) and/or female (mullerian) ducts 

what is mullerian inhibiting hormone? 
describe how one comes to have either male or female genitalia (or something in between) 
what is dihydrotestosterone? 
what do we mean by a sensitive period (or critical period)? 
can you predict the effects of alterations in the early hormone environment (e.g. giving females androgens, removing androgens from males, giving huge doses of estrogens) 
by what mechanism does testosterone appear to "masculinize" the brain of rats (and probably some other species too) 
What is the aromatization theory? what is the role of alpha-fetoprotein (in this situation) 
what is the sexually dimorphic nucleus? what is the analagous structure in humans? 
give several behavioral and anatomical examples of how "sexual" differentiation affects more than sexual behavior and orientation ( other things besides sex that seem to be influenced by early hormone environment)
contrast "activational" effects (when they most often occur, how lasting they are) with organizational/developmental effects
what is likely to happen to sexual differentation (and what might happen in terms of gender identity later on) is these cases? 
XY male with a mutated or missing SRY gene 
XX female who receive a SRY gene through a crossing over in here father's genetic material 
XY male who lacks the gene which produces androgen receptors 
XX female who is exposed to somewhat higher than normal levels of androgens in utero 
XX female who is exposed to very high levels of androgens in utero 
XX female who is exposed to abnormally high levels of estrogens in utero 
XY male with a defective gene for the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase 
what biological factors  would continue to influence the gender identity/behavior of the male child raised as a female after accidental removal of penis during circumcision? 
what research findings support a role for each of the following in homosexual orientation: 
early hormone (but not adult hormone) levels 
stress during gestation
having older brothers

brain differences