Sleep and Biorhythms

What recordings are a typical part of the polysomnogram used in sleep research?

How does the EEG change as we go from wakefulness to relaxation to falling asleep and then going deeper and deeper into sleep?

How do we move through the stages of sleep during a typical night of sleep?

How is NREM sleep different from REM sleep?

What parts of the brain are involved in maintaining wakefulness/alertness?

What parts of the brain are involved in sleep?

What are the characteristics of each of these sleep disorders:

REM behavior disorder



Night terrors

Sleep apnea

What are some of the types/causes of insomnia?

What are the 2 main theories about why we sleep?

What is the difference between a circadian rhythm, a circalunar rhythm and a circaannual rhythm?

What do we mean when we say biorhythms are "endogenous"?

What is a free-running rhythm? How do they differ in characteristics from the rhythms seen under normal conditions?

What is a zeitgeber?

What is the research evidence about the location of the circadian biological clock?

That is the role of the pineal gland in sleep?

What stimulus is most effective in resetting the biological clock?

Describe at least 2 ways that you can “encourage” the resetting of your biological clock if, for example, you were going to London?

Which is an easier adjustment for your SCN - phase-delay or phase advance?

What is meant by lateralization of function? 

the anatomy and function of the corpus callosum 

review the relationship between the right & left visual fields and the 2 hemispheres 

What is a seizure?     When do seizures qualify as epilepsy? 

2 main types or categories of epilepsy and their causes 

why cutting the corpus callosum would be expected to limit the spread of focal seizures 

How are split brain patients tested by researchers?

What kinds of results from split brain research support the notion of lateralization? 

What functions each hemisphere is dominant for (make a detailed list for each) 

Give an example of competition between the hemispheres after surgery 

What is the relationship between handedness and lateralization? 

What is the planum temporale? What right left differences have been noted here?

Name, locate and explain the function of the various parts of the language system of the brain

What happens if the frontal lobe portion of the language system is damaged and what are the symptoms?

What happens if the temporal lobe portion of the language system is damaged and what are the symptoms?

What are the names of the areas and what connects them?

What is apraxia?

What are the specialized functions of the right hemisphere?

What kinds of research have explored language like abilities in other species?

Which species seem to show aspects of language function - give some specific examples.