Test 2 Studylist

Do you know:

the parts of a neuron (labeling assignment)

different types of neurons (sensory, mtoro and interneurons)

different types of glial cells and the functions they serve

the characteristics of the neuron's cell membrane

Ions found inside and outside of neuron and how that ion difference is maintained

Na+/K+ pumps


how a membrane potential is measured

resting potential

Depolarization vs hyperpolarization

the functioning of Voltage-activated  ion channels in axon membrane
and the part each type plays in the generation of action potentials

    voltage activated Na channels

     voltage activated K channels


How the action potential is produced in axon

axon hillock

Characteristics of the action potential (self-propagating and nondecremental)

All or none law

Refractory period (absolute and relative)

Myelin sheaths, nodes of ranvier and how they affect the action potential process

saltatory conduction

voltage activated Ca++ channels in axon terminal, when they open and what the Ca++ triggers

how Otto Loewi demonstrated that chemical must be involved when nerves send messages to muscles

the parts of the synapse (labeling assignment)

the types of transmitters in Table 2.2

the localization of the best known transmitters and how that determines their association with specific behaviors/functions

the kinds of effects neurotransmitters can have when they bind to receptor sites

Ionotropic receptors

The electrical responses of dendrites



post-synaptic "integration" or summation of incoming messages (temporal and spatial) to determine if threshold will be reached

metabotropic receptors and their effects

second messengers

How released neurotransmitter is removed from the synapse


    enzymatic breakdown

all the things a neuron must do for normal chemical transmission at the synapse

(each of these is susceptible to alteration by the presence of certain psychactive drugs)

Parkinson's disease as a neurotransmitter related disease (p 362-364)

characteristics of the disease and its symptoms

possible causes and risk factors

what has gone wrong in the nervous system (substantia nigra, nigrostriatal pathway, Lewy bodies)

medications to remedy the decrease in DA messages

new experimental treatments when meds aren't enough