Module 7 Notes

Plotnik's definition of consciousness:

Activities that require full awareness and concentration are called __________________________

Activities which you can do with less awareness and concentration are called ___________________

2 different views of unconscious processes:


What is unconsciousness?

What and where are your biological clocks?

What is a circadian rhythm?

2 problems associated with circadian rhythms:


What resets your biological clock?

What is melatonin, when is it secreted and what effects does it produce?

What are the stages of sleep and how do we cycle through them during a night's sleep?

How do morning people differ physiologically from evening people

How do sleep/waking rhythms and the need for sleep vary across the lifespan?

Explain 2 major theories of why we sleep:


What are the common effects of sleep deprivation?

4 different theories about why we have REM sleep:




What are some of the causes of insomnia?

2 groups of prescription drugs sometimes used to treat serious insomnia: 1)                                     2)

What is sleep apnea and what characteristics make it more likely an individual might suffer from apnea?

What are the characteristics of narcolepsy?

What kind of cell doesn't develop normally in those with narcolepsy?

2 disorders which occur during slow wave sleep (stages 3-4): 1)                                        2)