Diane Sullivan

Academy Pages - Useful stuff for care packages

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Boxers or briefs athletic socks alarm clock with no radio
phone cards $$$ toiletries
small bars of soap/shampoo for the gym stamps mechanical pencils
printer ink cartridges small electric coffee pot favorite deodorant
nylon knee highs (for shoe shining) cotton balls tweezers
nose hair cutters Kiwi quick shoe shine things favorite cologne
toothpaste toothbrush floss
cotton swabs rubbing alcohol peroxide
laundry stain stick ceramic coffee mug dish soap
tupperware containers for food box of plastic utencils clothes from home
address labels (for you and him)   long sleeve shirts and jeans
hot pot or small coffee pot (check 1st to see if it's ok)
echinacea and odorless garlic (again according to Diane Macky, "Should be used all winter long")
plastic bowls with cover (you can use the lid for a plate)