Diane Sullivan

Academy Pages - Fun stuff for care packages

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paddle ball koosh ball disposable camera
post-it notes with funny things on them beanie baby suited for personality holiday decorations
treats for trick or treaters glow in the dark iguana Shower cap left over from PW
personalized comics yo yo mini etch a sketch
eyeball superball noise makers fake vomit and poop
whoopie cushion joke book colored pencils, crayons or markers
Scratch lottery tickets newspaper from home church newsletter
Lego Luke Skywalker (who escaped from a C4C's book shelf back home to go to the "Jedi military academy near the big mountains")  - GI Joe's and other related items would work as well
Squirt gun (According to Diane Mackey, "every cadet should have one")
stuff from girl/boyfriend's school (ie, t-shirt or something like that)
DVD's and CD's (recomended that you ask them if they can have them)
real letters with flat Jolly ranchers or thin mint sticks from coffee houses
$.50 water guns (to courteously wake up their room mate each morning, with out having to get out of bed)