Revisions to Curriculum Handbook

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
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Last Name: 

Whereas, the Senate passed a resolution in Spring 2014 to:

1. Amend the curricular process to allow proposals each year, rather than alternate years.

2. Divide the curricular process, with distinct and different tracks for more substantive and less substantive changes;

And whereas the Senate appointed an ad hoc curriculum committee to revise the Curriculum Handbook accordingly;

And whereas the UCC and GCCC are both scheduled to review the proposed revisions to the Handbook in mid-October.


Therefore, be it resolved that the Senate approve the revisions to the Curriculum Handbook. 

NOTE: The UCC / GCCC may move to amend the proposed changes. As soon as those bodies have approved, the  proposed revisions to the Handbook will be uploaded as amended.

Meeting Date: 
Oct 27, 2014