Recommendation to change drop date to 10 class days after midpoint of semester

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 

Whereas, the current policy for the timing for dropping a  class while receiving a "W" states that it shall be 10 days after the midpoint of the semester;

and, whereas some semesters, this falls over a weekend or over Spring Break, such as in Spring 2013 when it was the Friday of Spring Break


Therefore be it resolved that the date to drop a course revised to ten class days after the midpoint of the semester.

Current policy language in catalog

Current policy (seen under Change of Policy at  reads:

Courses dropped after the deadline for dropping with a W (Withdrawn), which is 10 calendar days after the end of the first half of the fall and spring semesters and at the mid-point of half-semester and summer session courses, will be recorded as F (Failed) unless there are unusual circumstances and the student is doing passing work - in which case the instructor, the student's advisor, and the head of the department in which the courses are offered may approve a grade of W.

Final Action Taken: 
Chair Peters emailed Registrar Patton, April 9, 2013; Catalog and "Dates to Observe" updated 4/9/13
Meeting Date: 
Apr 08, 2013