George W. Bush's

Vice Presidential Nominee: The nominees for vice president are Dick Cheney for the Republicans and John Edwards for the Democrats. Cheney has been the vice president for the past four years under the Bush Administration, while John Edwards has served six years in the Senate representing North Carolina. The Vice President of the United States is the second highest executive official of the United States government, the person who is "a heartbeat from the presidency." As first in the presidential line of succession, the Vice President becomes the new President of the United States upon the death, resignation, or removal by impeachment and subsequent conviction of the President. Nine Vice Presidents have assumed the Presidency upon the death or resignation of the President. Beyond this important role, the only duty required by the U.S. Constitution is that the Vice President serve as the President of the Senate. link

Description of candidate's position: Vice president Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. Vice president Cheney has worked under four presidents, and has worked as an elected official. From March of 1989 to January 1993, vice president Cheney served as Secretary of Defense. He led two of the largest military campaigns in recent history in Operation Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East. Vice president Cheney has supported the Presidents tax policy, opposed funding the Clean Water Act, supported drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and is a strong supporter of the military. link

Quotation from the candidate: "I'm running with a good man. We've got a great ticket. Dick Cheney has done a heck of a job as the Vice President. I like to tease him, by saying, well, you know, I admit it, he's not the prettiest face in the race. But I didn't pick him because of his looks. I picked him because of his judgment, his experience, and the fact that he can get the job done. He's a great Vice President. And I'm proud to be running with him."-George W. Bush.

Assessment of the proposal:

Positive: According to Kate O'Beirne of National Review, Dick Cheney's greatest asset is his experience. President Bush has benefited from vice president Cheney's three decades of experience in the corridors of power. Vice president Cheney has been undertaking national-security and economic-policy options for the Bush Administration during the past four years.

Negative: According to Muriel Dobbiin of Capitol Hill Blue, a self described non-partisan, take no prisoners political news site, current criticism of the vice president is focused on his unyielding refusal to concede errors in the administration's handling of the Iraq war, as well as his ties to Halliburton, the Texas company he once ran that is under investigation regarding its Iraq reconstruction contracts.

Comparison: Senator John Edwards major liability to being the vice president is his lack of experience. Senator Edwards public service consists of only six years in the Senate. One would have to question if he would be ready to step in to the role of the president at a moments notice.

Link to Kerry's vice president issue page.