George Bush's stance on US/Mexico relations

United States Relations with Mexico: US relations with Mexico have traditionally been strained because the two states share a long border with marked economic inequality on either side. The U.S. relations with Mexico consist of two elements outside of immigration. The first is trade policy between the two nations. Mexico is currently the second-largest trade partner with the United States next to Mexico. The second element involves border cooperation. In recent years, the United States has had positive relations with Mexico particularly because of its current President, Vicente Fox.

President Bush:

Description of Candidate's Position: In regards to trade policy between the US and Mexico, in September 2001 President Bush and President Fox launched the Partnership for prosperity a public-private alliance oriented to harness the power of the private sector to foster an environment in which no Mexican feels compelled to leave his home for lack of jobs or opportunity. Strategies to realize this vision include increasing investment in Mexican housing, invest in Mexican infrastructure for commerce, support small business development centers, and lower the cost of sending money home. The strategy for border cooperation includes through strengthening several environmental, economic, and security programs within their own border area and maintaining positive communication regarding this issue.

Quotation from the Candidate: Mexico and the United States are more than neighbors. We are partners in building a safer, more democratic and more prosperous hemisphere…Through the Border Partnership Agreement, our two nations are improving the infrastructure at ports of entry along our common border; we're using technology to allow law abiding travelers to cross the border quickly and easily, while officials concentrate on stopping possible threats…I am committed to working with President Fox to expand free and fair trade between our nations. We've seen trade lift both our nations and both our economies…Today, Mexico is America's second-largest trading partner, and we are Mexico's largest." President Bush, March 6, 2004

Assessment of the Proposal:

Positive: Mexican President Fox showed his support for President Bush in a joint press conference on March 6, 2004, in which both Presidents supported the recent Border Partnership Agreement as well as expanding and promoting further trade between the two nations.

Negative: Relations were somewhat strained between the United States and Mexico following September 11, 2001. The United States' priorities shifted from Mexico to the War on Terror, creating distance between the two nations. Additionally, Mexican President Vicente Fox opposed the war in Iraq, further alienating the two until recently.

Comparison: John Kerry feels it was wrong for the US administration to disregard Mexico during the War on Terror, and states he will focus on Mexico and improve relations economically, environmentally, and socially.

Link to Kerry's Mexico brief