Appropriate citation format:

James, Afro-American Studies Department and Women's Studies Program, University Wisconsin-Madison in 98

(Stanlie M., "Shades of othering: Reflections on female circumcision/genital mutilation," Signs 23 (summer 1998): 1031-1048) chp, p. 456


If you are wondering what this translates to:

Author's last name, qualifications, date

(author's first name, "title of article or chapter," title of journal or book, volume (full date): p.-p. editor of book if an edited volume, place of publication and publisher if a book, complete web address or name of database, date of web or database access) your initials, page number of quotation


I know this is a lot more information than you normally need in debate, but if you ever use this stuff for a class paper, you will thank me for making sure you have complete bibliographic information.