Salem Websites
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Here are some sites that provide relevant, generally reliable information and are excellent starting points for online research. 

This page is a work in progress; please let me know as you discover other sites you think are worthy of inclusion and I will add them!  The best way is to e-mail me the URL of a site you like, along with a brief note explaining why you think it's useful:

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Two central, linked sites based at the University of Virginia.   These will provide many of our online primary readings and should be explored fully.  I've included the chronology as a handy reference.

Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive
The Salem Witchcraft Papers (Court Records)
Salem Witch Trials Chronology

Two other first-rate web portals for online research:

17th Century Colonial New England page, focused on links to witchcraft sites, a phenomenal resource:  Site includes a large annotated bibliography:
The Salem Witchcraft Trials (Famous American Trials):  Excellent resource page with lots of historical links:

Other sites that seem worthwhile:

bullet  The Salem Witch Museum
bulletSalem Witch Trials --  a site for teachers/young people:
bulletNational Geographic Salem Witch-Hunt Interactive:
bullet Nathaniel Hawthorne in Salem -- good resources if you're interested in this topic
bulletOn the ever-popular "ergot poisoning" theory:   Caporael's original 1976 article in Science;  a site exploring the attractions of and problems with the theory:; a vigorous critique of the theory by Bernard Rosenthal:

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