
  • "Acting" required-YES

  • Skills to learn-YES-speaking loudly, controlling courtroom, directing events

  • If at all possible watch a military event to see how things are controlled

  • Preparation required-YES-order of trial events, rulings, instructions for jurors

  • Preparation prior to trial

  • Participation in trial



    Iowa is in the 8th circuit court of appeals.


http://www.19thcircuitcourt.state.il.us/bkshelf/resource/sa_crt_pro.htm (guide to mock trials)

        This website gives the basics steps in a jury trial.





1. Selection of the Jury

Jurors called for the voir dire.

Jurors challenged, for cause and peremptory.

Challenged jurors return to the jury room and the selected jurors are sworn.

2. The Trial

The Judge may deliver remarks to the Jury. The attorneys give their opening speeches.

Witnesses are called for direct and cross-examination and exhibits are presented.

When all of the evidence has been presented, the attorneys give summing up, or closing arguments.

3. The Judge's Charge

The Judge instructs the jury as to what laws apply to the case and what those laws mean.

4. Deliberation

The jury goes into a private room to discuss the case and reach a decision. They may talk to no one except the Judge if they have questions.

5. The Verdict

The jury returns to the courtroom and the foreperson announces the decision. The attorneys may ask that the jury be polled.



      This website carries information about crimes and offenses that jury members may need.



       This website contains information pertaining to Iowa law and its reforms.











Black Hawk County Courthouse

316 East 5th Street

Waterloo, IA 50703

The courthouse is located in downtown Waterloo between East 5th and East 6th Streets, Lafayette and Mulberry Streets. Entrance to the building is from the East 6th Street side that adjoins the courthouse parking lot.

Thirty minute parking is provided while conducting business in the courthouse. Metered parking spaces are located on all streets that border the courthouse.

County offices in the courthouse are Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, Assessor, Engineer, Management Information Services, Board of Supervisors, Elections, Building Maintenance, Attorney and Institutional Accounts.

State offices within the courthouse include Court Administration, Clerk of Court and courtrooms.

Court begins at approx. 9:15 am and adjourns at 4 pm





http://www.law.du.edu/russell/torts/cojuryinst6_1.htm (jury instructions)

http://www.19thcircuitcourt.state.il.us/bkshelf/resource/sa_crt_pro.htm (guide to mock trials)
