Wednesday, September 16, 2009 in class demonstration
YouTube, Clipnabber to nab the youtube video, Flash, and Dreamweaver

  • 810:022 MASI home page.

  • Your first Lowery textbook Adobe assignment: Chapter 08: Flash video with captioning to be published to the web.

  • Link to student's examples of Fall of 2008 Chapter 08 Clipnabbed Captioned Video using FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning Components.

  • NOTE: This published Flash application is left as is to illustrate how important it is to plan out the size of the STAGE and match it to the size of the FLVPlayback component (plus the SkinUnderAll.swf). You will see how to fix this and avoid it in future classes before the assignment is due. You have actually already seen that several times in the last 3 weeks of class, but we will go over it again.

  • Email note about this page and today's class. This is a real sweet TREAT to reread.