AC_RunActiveContent.js is NOT shown on the Wednesday 11/19/2008 handout

We will deal with that issue in the Flash hands-on class on Friday and help you get your account all set for this Flash assignment and any future Flash assignments.

It only ever needs to be uploaded to once for your Flash assignments to work okay (if you put them all in your home directory).

What was missing from today's handout? (Wednesday, November 19th, 2008)

---> AC_RunActiveContent.js <---

AC_RunActiveContent.js is a JavaScript .js file that you need to have in the same directory (folder) where you any .swf Flash movie!

                     ---> AC_RunActiveContent.js <---
bash-2.03$ cp AC_RunActiveContent.js nov19th     cp = CoPy
                                                 --   - -
           cp for CoPy the file to the folder 
                  - -                            mv = MoVe
                                                 --   - -
           cp  file22.txt   file22BACKUP.txt

                                    ----------       ----------------
               would make a copy of file22.txt named file22BACKUP.txt
                                    ----------       ----------------

bash-2.03$                                -      -
bash-2.03$ cd nov19th          <--- cd is change directory to that folder
bash-2.03$                                -      -

bash-2.03$ pwd                  <--- pwd is path of working directory


bash-2.03$ ls                    <--- LS LiSt all my files    L S  ls ls

AC_RunActiveContent.js  maskTVfinalFour.html    maskTVfinalFour.swf

bash-2.03$ ls -l               LiSt files -Long listing option LS -L
total 48                                                       -----
-rw-r--r--   1 jacobson faculty     8321 Nov 19 19:45 
-rw-r--r--   1 jacobson faculty     2017 Nov 19 13:39 maskTVfinalFour.html
-rw-r--r--   1 jacobson faculty     4494 Nov 19 13:39 maskTVfinalFour.swf

bash-2.03$ cd  ..              The parent directory is ..  
bash-2.03$                     Think .. as mom and dad, mother and father
                                            .       .      .          .
                                                ..             ..

bash-2.03$ pwd
/export/home/jacobson   <--------- back in jacobson HOME DIRECTORY...

bash-2.03$ ls *z*.htm*

AlicePuzzleMarch6th2008.html  OctagonTintSizeAlpha.html

    *z*.htm*    list only the files that end with .htm or .html

                that have the lowercase letter z anywhere in the file name.

bash-2.03$ ls -l *a*.htm* | wc   

      45     405    3285          45 different files are .htm or .html
                                       files with at least one lower case
                                       letter "a" in the name.

bash-2.03$ ls -l *a* | wc

     204    1694   13128         204 different files have letter "a" in 
                                               the file name, anywhere... 
bash-2.03$ ls -l  | wc   

     275    2470   18678         275 files in my home directory!!!!

bash-2.03$ ls -l *z*.htm*      See 2 lines of output for the LS -L long listing

-rw-r--r--   1 jacobson faculty  6617 Mar  6  2008 AlicePuzzleMarch6th2008.html
-rw-r--r--   1 jacobson faculty  2061 Jan 16  2008 OctagonTintSizeAlpha.html

bash-2.03$ ls -l *z*.htm* | wc     | is the Unix and DOS command prompt PIPE
                                     We are piping the output of the first
                                     command to the 2nd command, wc.
                                     The output of ls command is the input
                                            to the wc command.

       2      18     163         Has 2 lines of output for 2 files LS -L
                                 Has 18 separate "words".
                                 Has 163 characters in the two lines
                                         of the output...

   wc word count output by default is:  

           # of LINES   # of WORDS   # of BYTES (or characters)
bash-2.03$ ls  *z*.htm*

AlicePuzzleMarch6th2008.html  OctagonTintSizeAlpha.html

If you just do it and review the above with the 11/19
810:022 instructor guarantee: 

     Wednesday handouts and Unix questions there and Unix examples here
     If you study this page and those handouts, 

            you will appreciate Thanksgiving break more 

                 than if you don't do it.  

                     Take some notes.  Be confused.  

                     Expose yourself to something you are not familiar with...

                     It is okay to do that and it is good to do that...

                     Confusion about something for 10 minutes 

                               means you are that much closer to clarity 

                               about that same something down the road, 

                               later that semester or down the road, 
                               later that academic year.

                    If you are confused, but engaged in the material

                    and thinking about it and INKing about it or getting
                    the lead out of a PENcil instead of the INK out of
                    a pen, you are learning the terms, you are getting
                    familiar with things. Even though it may seem nothing

                    is happening, you are travelling, you are getting

                    closer to clarify, insight, new skills, new abilities,

                    new understanding...

    If Friday or after Thanksgiving break, I talk about some of this or
demonstrate some of this or in small groups you struggle with some of
these new things,
                  you might think or say thanks to another student

                     in your small group discussion or 

                          on your group exercise team, or 

                           you might say thanks or 

                             you might think thanks to the teacher for

                                      for clearing that up, 
                                         for clarifying that, 

                                            for the clarification, 

                 for making it plain, 

                        explain means to make it plain, 

                             to make something clear,

                                 to make something outside of yourself

                                     as a physical thing in words sounding

                                         in the air, or 

                                                         in words sounding

                                         in the mind of the reader 

                                              that is reading them

                                                    on the blackboard, or

                                                    the whiteboard, or

                                                    the handout, or

                                              the web page, or 

                                              the email, or 

                                              the text message 

                                              (which your teacher
                                                  has no clue how to do).

    Words heard, spoken words, sounds, the student or teacher listening,

    considering, writing, taking notes.

    Words written in the book or on a web page or on a handout, the

          student or the teacher reading, writing, taking notes,

               consuming ink, knowing its okay to be confused, and

                   the longer you listen and consider, 

                      the more you write down, let the ink flow,

                            rewrite the ideas or draw the interface
                                 and express confusion and make 

                                     wild guesses and say the terms...

                the closer you are to clarity, and 

                    the closer you are to your destination, and

                        when you get there and say, eureka, 

                            I now understand that, 

                                 I now can do this, 

                                     I now can talk about this,

                                         I now think I could even help
                                               somebody else do this, or
                                                    understand this....

        You will be at the destination not only sooner, but you

               will have a better luxury suite at that destinatin for your

                    stay, and you will have an upgrade automatically

                          paid for by your not being afraid to be confused, 

                               and not being afraid to take notes, 

                                   and draw diagrams, 

                                       and say stuff in your own words, 

                                           and make wild, crazy guesses 

                                               to make it less threatening,

                                                  less intimidating, 

                                                      less unfamiliar,

            and then make educated guesses, and get confidence finding
            the things in the new material that relate to what you
            already know.

            If the ink don't flow, the understanding don't grow.



            The last three letters of the word THINK...


            Let it flow...

            Not that pencils aren't an equally good thing...

            Not that keyboards and typing isn't great too...

            So let the ink flow, or 

            get the lead out, or

            press those keys and press onward to get ideas and thoughts

            out of yourself and onto paper, scratch paper, napkins,
            computer monitors, via keyboard keys, pencils or pens.

            Not that the mouse is not important too, for drawing diagrams
            and pictures of concepts with Paint, Photoshop, Flash,  
                                       or Fireworks, Illustrator, 
                                       or even using the Microsoft Word 
                                           Drawing toolbar as you switch
                                              from keyboard to mouse to
                                                 pen or pencil 

                    watching the output get out of your mind onto
                        paper or the computer display
                            as you draw new insights 
                                 from a book, or 
                                    from a Adobe Flash CS4 video, or
                                       from a handout, or
                                          web page tutorial, or
                                              your already existing notes
                                                 from some class, or
                                                    from some reading,
                                                        note taking session.

   Writing is the right thing to do.

   Just do it.
