Friday, February 22nd, 2008
Guides and Guided layers tutorial

  1. What are the two ways that you can insert the guide layer above the layer that has a Motion Tween but that you want to follow a path instead of go straight from one KF location to another KF location? (One way with the menu, one way without the menu).
  2. Be sure to study the Tutorial page carefully as you review the 2/22 Friday hands-on class.
  3. How do you think the animation was able to show the Guide Layer when the Green Start button is clicked to run it a 2nd time? Note that it did NOT show it the first time through.

    It is said that if you master the timeline, you master Flash. Can you figure out how this was done by recalling some of the techniques we did do during the Friday class? Recall the COPY FRAMES and PASTE FRAMES commands. What did they help to easily achieve and illustrate? Answer is shown in the animation above BEFORE you ever click the See Guide button or have the See Guide feature added)?

  4. How does this compare to the orbiting planets or orbiting moons? What is similar? What is different?