After Effects exports SWF for Flash to import as a new symbol

  1. Here is a portion of Chapter 03 with VERTIGO exercise as a FREE PDF from a great book: Flash + After Effects by Chris Jackson. Unfortunately, it needs to be updated from Flash CS3 and After Effects CS3, and the publisher has no plans to do that at this time.

    1. Read the first 8 pages of the PDF: Exercise 1: Export Text Animation as Flash SWF - (the PDF is 12 pages long).

    2. We got up to page 71, i.e. to page 7 of the PDF file. We left off with item #19 on page 71 (page 7) of the book excerpt.

    3. REVIEW IT CAREFULLY BEFORE FRIDAY'S class, if you get a chance and have your homework assignment done.

  2. Here is the SWF file we exported from Adobe After Effects. It stands alone as a SWF file, and this version is NOT imported into the FLASH application to become a new Library symbol and a new layer, joining the other two layers of the Flash application.

    Note it only twirls in and then stops. It does NOT twirl out again. That feature will be added AFTER we import the SWF file into Flash!

  3. Here is a link to the only file that you need Vertigo.fla for doing this EXPORT TEXT ANIMATION AS FLASH SWF exercise. RMB (Right Mouse Button) click on the link to download and save the file, or you probably can just click the link and have the choice to open up Vertigo.fla in Flash CS3 or Flash CS4.

  4. We started this exercise on 01/20/Wednesday in class #4. We will finish this exercise on 01/22/Friday in Class #5 then move into Lesson 02 of the After Effects Apprentice textbook. We will start getting into the Oranges, Ghostbusters, and Dances With Wolves examples.

  5. KF = Keyframes. Layers are animated using Keyframes in After Effects. In Flash, SYMBOLS are animated using Keyframes. Symbols play the same role in Flash as Layers do in After Effects.

  6. Back to the 810:088 12 Visual Effects, Animation, and Motion Graphics home page.