Study implementation and group work

You will work with your small group to design and implement a study that you will individually write about (research paper).

The tasks involved in the group project include:

1. Read and take notes on the assigned articles and answer questions about them

2. Find additional relevant literature, discuss this literature with your group, and together complete the annotated bibliography questions. All articles that are used in your paper should be in the bibliography summary and all of them should be in your group Zotero folder that is shared with me.

3. Design a study that will test a hypothesis related to the articles than can be implemented online with college students (there may be other possibilities—e.g., doing observations--but you’ll need to discuss those with me). Your study must meet the criteria for class projects that do NOT require IRB review. See for more details.

4, Informally present your idea to the class and get feedback.

5. Create the study in Qualtrics, or if using another method, create your stimuli, coding sheets, etc. and have those approved.

6. Analyze the data from the project in a way that tests your hypothesis.

7. Formally present the results of your study in class. 

Note that your group has to agree on one study—you are writing separate papers, but the method and results will describe the same study and results.

Grading notes/criteria:

75% Study quality (Does your study test your hypothesis? Was everything completed on time? Do you use good measures? Is your Qualtrics file correct with no typos or other errors? Are the data analyzed correctly? Did you do the group assignments completely, correctly, and on time?) This is further broken down by:

5% Group summary of assigned articles

10% Group idea sheet

50% Group design and Qualtrics

10% Group post-study sheet

25% Annotated bibliography (Is it complete? Are all the studies relevant? Did you answer all the questions accurately?)

These are graded at the group level, but your personal grades on these portions may be lowered if your group agrees that you did not do your fair share of the work on a final group questionnaire.

Note that the formal presentation is a separate part of your grade.