Please refer to the syllabus for direct links to this week’s readings:


  1. This is a question directly derivative of the Rice article:  What role does the mechanical knowledge of technology play in rhetoric and composition?
  1. What do we need to know about visual mechanics so we can “imagine, improvise, and enact the material deployments of meaning” (Rice, p. 372)?  In other words, how do we employ the grammar of visual design and photographic theory to create powerful visual presentations? 


Please combine both questions in this week’s paper, and try to involve some aspect of each article.  Since these short papers are exercises in academic writing that will a) get you closer to the readings, and b) prepare you for your longer paper, please use appropriate citations and include a reference section.  (you’ll find complete references—in APA style—in the syllabus as well as above--you're more than welcome to switch these over to MLA!).

2 pages, Times Roman 12, single space.
We agreed that we’re no longer going to post our written responses on the Google Sites page.  Please hand in papers at the beginning of next week’s class.