Research Publications and Presentations

by Adam Butler


Butler, A. B. (PI), Downs, W., & Bass, B. (2007-2009). College student employment and problem drinking: Harmful and protective factors (1R15AA016298-01). Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ($164,579).

Butler, A. B. (Co-PI), Grzywacz, J. G. (Co-PI), Bass, B., & Linney, K. (2003). Daily integration of work and family by non-professional couples. Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ($44,000).


Butler, A. B., Spencer, D., & Dodge, K. (2012). Academic demands are associated with reduced alcohol consumption by college students: Evidence from a daily analysis. Journal of Drug Education, 41, 359-367.

Butler, A. B., Dodge, K. D., & Faurote, E. J. (2010). College student employment and drinking: A daily study of work stressors, alcohol expectancies, and alcohol consumption. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 291-303.

Butler, A. B., Grzywacz, J. G., Ettner, S. L., & Liu, B. (2009). Workplace flexibility, self-reported health, and health care utilization. Work and Stress, 23, 45-59.

Butler, A. B., Bass, B. L., & Grzywacz, J. G. (2009). Work-family balance in non-professional couples: An examination of work and family resources. In D. R. Crane & E. J. Hill (Eds.), Handbook of Families and Work: Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 9-30). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

Bass, B. L., Butler, A. B., Grzywacz, J. G., & Linney, K. D. (2009). Do job demands undermine parenting? A daily analysis of spillover and crossover effects. Family Relations, 58, 201-215.

Grzywacz, J. G., & Butler, A. B. (2008). Work-family conflict. In J. Barling & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The Sage handbook of organizational behavior (Vol. 1, pp. 451-468). Los Angeles: Sage.

Bass, B. L., Butler, A. B., Grzywacz, J. G., & Linney, K. D. (2008). Work-family conflict and job satisfaction: Family resources as a buffer. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 100, 24-30.

Grzywacz, J. G., Butler, A. B., & Almeida, D. (2008). Work, family, and health: Work-family balance as a protective factor against the stresses of daily life. In A. Newhall-Marcus, D. F. Halpern, & S. J. Tan (Eds.), Changing realities of work and family. Oxford: Blackwell.

Grzywacz, J. G., & Butler, A. B. (2007). Work-family balance. In G. Fink (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Stress (2nd ed., vol. 3, pp. 868-871). Oxford: Academic Press.

Butler, A. B. (2007). Job characteristics and college performance and attitudes: A model of work-school conflict and facilitation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 500-510.

Bass, B. L., Linney, K. D., Butler, A. B., & Grzywacz, J. G. (2007). Evaluating PDAs for data collection in family research with non-professional couples. Community, Work, and Family, 10, 57-74.

Butler, A. B., Grzywacz, J. G., Bass, B. L., & Linney, K. D. (2005). Extending the demands-control model: A daily diary study of job characteristics, work-family conflict, and work-family facilitation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 155-169.

Grzywacz, J. G., & Butler, A. B. (2005). The impact of job characteristics on work-to-family facilitation: Testing a theory and distinguishing a construct. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 97-109.

Butler, A. B., & Skattebo, A. L. (2004). What is acceptable for women may not be for men: The effect of family conflicts with work on job performance ratings. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 553-564.

Li, A., & Butler, A. B. (2004). The effects of participation in goal setting and goal rationales on goal commitment: An exploration of justice mediators. Journal of Business and Psychology, 19, 37-51.

Butler, A., Gasser, M., & Smart, L. (2004). A social-cognitive perspective on using family-friendly benefits. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65, 57-70.

Gasser, M, Butler, A., Waddilove, L., & Tan, R. (2004). Defining the profession of industrial-organizational psychology. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 42(2), 15-20. View Article

Butler, A., Scherer, L., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2003). The effects of solution elicitation aids and need for cognition on the generation of solutions to ill-structured problems. Creativity Research Journal, 15, 235-244.

Osman, A., Barrios, F. X., Gutierrez, P. M., Kopper, B., Butler, A., & Bagge, C. L. (2003). The pain distress inventory: Development and initial psychometric properties. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59, 767-785.

Butler, A., Phillmann, K., & Smart, L. (2001). Active learning within a lecture: The effects of short, in-class writing assignments. Teaching of Psychology, 28, 257-259.

Gasser, M., Butler, A., Anderson, K., Whitsett, D., & Tan, R. (2001). Advertising industrial/organizational psychology. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 38(4), 50-53. View Article

Gasser, M., Butler, A., Anderson, K., Whitsett, D., & Tan, R. (2000). Advertisement strategies of industrial/organizational psychologists. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 37(4), 39-43. View Article

Butler, A. B., & Highhouse, S. (2000). Deciding to sell: The effect of prior inaction and offer source. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21, 223-232.

Butler, A. B., & Scherer, L. L. (1997). The effects of elicitation aids, knowledge, and problem content on option quality and quantity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 72, 184-202.

Craiger, J. P., Goodman, D., Weiss, R. J., & Butler, A. (1996). Modeling organizational behavior with fuzzy cognitive maps. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Organizations, 1, 120-133.

Recent Presentations

Butler, A., Grzywacz, J., & Bass, B. (2010). Work hours, schedule control, and new mothers’ mental health. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta.

Foster, L., & Butler, A. (2010). Implicit beliefs and the research-practice gap in employee selection. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta.

Butler, A., Jones, K., & Dodge, K. (2009). A daily study of college student work and alcohol consumption. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, San Juan, PR.

Dodge, K., & Butler, A. (2009). Emotional labor and alcohol consumption by young workers. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, San Juan, PR..

Jones, K., Bakeris, A., & Butler, A. (2009). Benefits and barriers to participation in organizational wellness programs. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, San Juan, PR..

Butler, A., Dodge, K., & Jones, K. (2009). A daily study of college students’ work and alcohol use. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans.

Butler, A., & Matthews R (2009). A daily study of work-school conflict and enrichment. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans.

Butler, A., Faurote, E., & Dodge, K. (2008). Control and interrole conflict mediate relationships with flexible schedules. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Washington, DC.

Butler, A., Faurote, E., & Dodge, K. (2008). College student employment and alcohol consumption: A daily analysis. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Washington, DC.

Butler, A., Grzywacz, J., Ettner, S., & Liu, B. (2008). Workplace flexibility, self-reported health, and health care utilization. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Washington, DC.

Faurote, E., & Butler, A. (2007). Social support and work-school conflict: A daily study. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Narvekar, C., Gasser, M., Butler, A., Gilpin, A., & Harton, H. (2006). Collectivism and group evaluations. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Butler, A. B., Grzywacz, J. G., & Bass, B. L. (2006). The quality of family interactions and subsequent daily family-to-work facilitation and job satisfaction. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Dallas.

Walsh, B., Gasser, M., & Butler, A. (2006). Business leaders' perceptions of the value of empirical/statistical evaluation. Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Dallas.

Butler, A., Grzywacz, J., Bass, B., & Linney, K. (2005). Predicting work-family balance from work-family conflict and facilitation among couples. Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Phoenix.

Butler, A., Viet, K., Narrigon, E., & Taylor, E. (2005). Models of social support and work-school conflict. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los Angeles.

Bass, B., Grzywacz, J., Linney, K., & Butler, A.(2004). The impact of psychological job demands on daily parent-child interactions. Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando.

Yurkovich, J., & Butler, A. (2004). Using demands-control theory to understand the work-family interface. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Butler, A., Grzywacz, J., Bass, B., & Linney, K. (2004). A daily diary study of work-family integration in non-professional couples. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago.

Butler, A. & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2004). The effects of goal orientation and expected evaluation on creativity. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago.

Gejerts, K. & Butler, A. (2004). Coping with work-school conflict through social support. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago.

Bass, B., Butler, A., Linney, K., & Grzywacz, J. (2003). Non-professional couples' reports on utilizing PDAs to capture daily variation in work and family. Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver.

Li, A., & Butler, A. (2003). Justice in the goal setting process. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando.

Grzywacz, J., & Butler, A. (2003). Work to family facilitation: Testing hypotheses about workers and jobs. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando.

Butler, A., & Gasser, M. (2002). The effectiveness of strategies for coping with work-family conflict. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto.

Butler, A., Smart, L., Gasser, M., & Li, A. (2002). Gender, outcome expectancies, and the use of family-friendly programs. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto.

Butler, A., Scherer, L., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2002). Enhancing creative problem solving in organizations. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto.

Butler, A., & Haag, P. (2001). Affective mediators of the outcome bias. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Gasser, M., Butler, A., & Whitsett, D. (2000). The validity of scales measuring the flow experience and seeking flow. Conference on Flow at Work, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Butler, A., & Skattebo, A. (2000). The effect of work-family conflict on performance ratings. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans.