hsDeath, Sex, and the Body: Phenomenology and Foucault (PHIL-3330-01 [14943])        

Prof. Edgar Boedeker  

Fall 2017, Tues. & Thur., 12:30-1:45                        Lang 211


Office hours: 2:15-3:15pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays in my office, 2099 Bartlett. I would also be happy to meet with you at another time, to be arranged in advance. If you would like to schedule such a meeting, just send me an e-mail at edgar.boedeker@uni.edu or give me a call at 273-7487.


Required texts (available at University Book & Supply):

- Martin Heidegger, History of the Concept of Time (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1985; ISBN: 0-253-20717-7).

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings, edited by Thomas Baldwin (Routledge, 2004; ISBN 0-415-31587-5)

The Foucault Reader, edited by Paul Rabinow (New York: Pantheon, 1984; ISBN: 0-394-71340-0).

- Course packet of photocopied materials from Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger: soon available at Copyworks, at the corner of College and 23rd Streets.


Course description: What is a human being?  What is human freedom?  What is consciousness, and how is it related to the body?  What is power, and how does it shape who we are?  In order to shed light on these questions, our course will center around the philosophical movement known as phenomenology: the attempt to describe the basic structures of human experience.  We will begin by studying the thought of the founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938).  Unfortunately, Husserl had trouble explaining what phenomenology really was, and consequently spent an inordinate amount of time trying to do so in rather confusing ways.  We will thus read only some of his writings – specifically, his description of the experience of time.  Instead, we will focus our study of Husserl on Martin Heidegger’s (1889-1976) much clearer exposition and criticism of Husserl’s so-called “transcendental phenomenology.”  We will then move on to Heidegger’s description – in the first Division of his magnum opusBeing and Time (1927) – of how we deal practically with “equipment”, how we encounter other people, and how our own selves are involved in both of these “dimensions” of human experience.  We will supplement this study of Heidegger with readings from the phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), who showed the crucial role of the human body in all this – something that Heidegger doesn’t discuss.  We will then examine Michel Foucault’s (1926-1984) analyses of modern forms of power – as embodied in prisons, schools, psychoanalysis, and the social “sciences” – and how it constitutes us as modern subjects.  Although this is an unusual way of understanding Foucault, I hope to show that his analyses of power can be profitably understood through Merleau-Ponty’s notion of the body.  The course will conclude with a study of the most important sections of Division Two of Heidegger’s Being and Time, where he analyzes how in one way or another we are always relating ourselves to our own death, and how this shapes the temporality of human experience.


Course goals: This course will acquaint you with two of the most important movements in 20th-Century Continental European philosophy: phenomenology and the later thought of Michel Foucault.  In so doing, it will provide you with illuminating ways of thinking about human nature, consciousness, temporality, freedom, the body, modernity, and power.


Specific learning outcomes:

1. You will gain an understanding of the goals, methods, and findings of phenomenology, i.e., the description of structures of human experience.

2. You will become acquainted with the thought of four major 20th-Century philosophers:

a. Edmund Husserl, founder of the phenomenological movement in philosophy;

b. Martin Heidegger, phenomenologist, founder of “existential phenomenology” (quite different from the “existentialism” that stemmed from it), especially his early thought (1919-1930);

c. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who synthesized phenomenology with existentialism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and neuroscience;


d. Michel Foucault, leading “post-structuralist” philosopher, who described and analyzed modern forms of power.

3. You will gain experience in reading and interpreting difficult philosophical texts.

4. You will gain experience and guidance in writing philosophy.


Course format: Class meetings will consist of a mixture of lecture and discussion.  In order to benefit from both, it is essential that you do all of the reading for each class.  One of the most important things that this course will offer you is the opportunity to hone your interpretive, argumentative, and rhetorical skills by writing ten brief papers and two longer papers on the often difficult texts we will be reading. 


In addition to the required reading, we will also be watching Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957) in connection with Heidegger’s view of self-ownership (“authenticity”).  We will view this film outside of the class period, and arrange the viewing time to fit in with the schedules of as many of us as possible.  



1. 40% of your final grade will come from 10 completed worksheets (on the reading for a particular course meeting) and/or “analytic response papers.”  You may turn in any combination of worksheets and analytic response papers.  A worksheet should completely answer all questions on one of the many attachments to this syllabus.  An analytic response paper should address just one question, topic, or passage of your choosing. Worksheets and analytic response papers will be graded with a check (full credit, i.e., 4 points toward the 100% total final grade), check/check-plus (5 points toward final grade), check-plus (credit-and-a-half, i.e., 6 points toward final grade), check/check-minus (3 points toward final grade), or check-minus (half credit, i.e., 2 points toward final grade). Please adhere to the due-dates for worksheets or analytic response papers given in the syllabus below. I will not accept them if they’re late.

The main purposes of the worksheets and analytic response papers are to encourage you to do each reading assignment, and to come to class prepared to discuss it. They may be turned after we have discussed the topic in question, but must be turned in on time.

If you choose to do a worksheet, please answer each question on it. Generally, your answer should be between two and five sentences. To do this, open the worksheet document, save it on your computer, type in your answer below each question, and then print out the whole document when you're done.

As an alternative to worksheets, and as good preparation for writing your papers, you may also write analytic response papers, which should usually run at least 500 words. In an analytic response paper, you will have the opportunity to delve into more depth or detail on a single topic related to the readings than you would in completing an entire worksheet. Generally, most questions on the worksheets – and especially those with an asterisk – can serve as topics for an analytic response paper. Make sure that you do not attempt in an analytic response paper to summarize the entire reading for a given class meeting – but rather to focus on a single topic, issue, or particularly difficult or interesting bit of text in the readings.

Please submit hard copies of the worksheets and/or analytic response papers; this makes it easier for me to keep track of and comment on them.  I’ll do my best to provide ample comments on both worksheets and analytic response papers.


2. Class participation: I expect that all students will participate actively and constructively in classroom discussions.  Asking questions and responding to what I or fellow students say are excellent ways for you to learn.  Doing so regularly will boost your final grade by up to two-thirds of a letter-grade, for example, from a B+ to an A.  On the other hand, if your presence in class contributes to a negative learning environment (for example, repeatedly coming to class late, treating fellow students with disrespect, obviously not paying attention, texting, whispering, etc.), this can reduce your final grade by one third of a letter grade per episode.

3. Attendance: I reserve the right to take attendance at the beginning of each class period.  You are permitted two unexplained absences during the semester.  For each unexplained absence beyond these two, your final grade will be reduced by one third of a letter grade.  For example, someone with a B+ average with 4 unexplained absences (i.e., 2 more than the 2 allowed) will receive a B- in the course.  The only explanations I will accept are a doctor’s note or a funeral announcement.

I realize that this is a fairly strict attendance policy.  I have instituted it mainly because much of the learning that you will do in this course will take place in class.  Asking questions, raising objections, and listening to others are important skills that you will get to practice in class discussions.  In addition, coming to class is necessary to doing well in this course. 

4. Two papers on an important aspect of one of the texts we read.  I will give you paper topics in advance. 

- The first paper should be around 6-7 pages in length and will be worth 25% of your final grade.  Suggested topics for this paper are linked to the due-date on the syllabus.  I invite you to discuss your paper with me as you write it.

- The second paper should be around 7-9 pages in length, and will be worth 35% of your final grade.  (Please see the bottom of the syllabus for the due-date.)  Again, suggested topics for this paper are linked to this due-date on the syllabus, and I invite you to discuss your paper with me as you write it.

I don’t require – and don’t recommend – that you use any secondary sources, i.e., anything but the texts assigned in class, but if you do use any you must cite them. 

I strongly encourage you to co-write your paper with (just) one other member of the class. Co-writing is an increasingly important skill in such fields as business, science, teaching, law, etc. Since I will hold a co-written paper to exactly the same standards as a single-authored paper, it is very likely to be to your advantage to co-write a paper. After all, two heads are (usually) better than one!  If you co-write a paper, however, please make sure that you and your co-author both check it for organization, consistency, avoidance of repetition, etc.


Note on the papers:

One thing that a philosophy paper should not be is a “book report,” i.e., an attempt to summarize an entire philosophical text. Instead, a good philosophy paper should give a close and concise analysis of a single key argument in a text. An “argument” in this sense isn’t a verbal fight (this isn’t the Jerry Springer Show, after all!). Rather, an argument (as we’ll be using the term) is a chain of reasoning from certain statements (called the “premises”) to another statement (called the “conclusion”) that the argument claims is supported by the premises.

good philosophy paper contains both a careful, concise, and accurate analysis of such an argument; and some criticism of it.  “Criticism” here doesn’t mean disagreement (it’s fine to agree or disagree with a philosopher!), but rather an examination of possible objections to the argument you’ve analyzed.  A good criticism consists of giving reasons (1) why one or more of the premises of the argument you’ve analyzed might be false (in which case the conclusion still might be true, but just for different reasons); and (2) why these premises, even if they were true, might not support the conclusion (in which case the conclusion still might be false even if the premises were true). If you end up finding the philosopher’s argument faulty in either or both of these ways, then try to “tinker” with the premises, conclusion, or chain of reasoning as charitably as possible, to see if you can come up with a modification of the argument to make it more cogent.  What matters most is the quality of your reading, writing, and argumentation.

Remember that the reasons you give for or against an argument should be more than simply your beliefs or opinions. Rather, they should be potentially convincing to someone else, even if this person may not initially share your beliefs or opinions. After all, are you convinced that something is true just because someone else happens to believe it? So don’t just state whether or not you agree with the author’s conclusion. Instead, try to give reasons for or against the author’s argument for this conclusion.

In my experience, the most common way for paper grades to suffer is due to a lack of documentation in the texts. You should use direct citations sparingly – generally only if the exact wording of the passage is either directly relevant to the argument you’re making, or particularly clear and concise. Short direct citations should be placed in quotation-marks; direct citations over 3 lines long should be offset, indented, single-space, and without quotation-marks. In other cases, use indirect citation – paraphrasing in your own words what the author says, and telling the reader where he or she says it. Also, please number the pages to make it easier to comment on them.  

I strongly encourage you to discuss your paper with me before you turn it in, and I’m happy to read drafts and offer comments.


Website: The great majority of our course materials will be linked to our online syllabus, which can be accessed via my teaching website: http://www.uni.edu/boedeker.  


MAILSERV: From time to time, I will also send important announcements pertaining to the class via e-mail, which I expect you to check prior to every class meeting (in case I have to cancel a class).  To facilitate our electronic communication, a MAILSERV distribution list has been created for this class using your UNI e-mail addresses.  The list members include myself and is supposed to be continuously updated to include just those students who are registered for the class at a given time.  The Powers that Be allow only me, and not students, to send to the list. 


It will be your responsibility to check your e-mail regularly, read the announcements, and print out all attachments.  I strongly recommend that you purchase a 3-ring binder to organize and store the various handouts for this class.

Cheating and plagiarism: It is your responsibility to read UNI’s Student Academic Ethics Policy (Chapter 3.01 of UNI’s Policies and Procedures Manual, available at https://www.uni.edu/policies/301), from which some of the following is borrowed.  Using the terminology defined in this document, please note the following:

Any student who commits a Level One violation will receive no credit for the entire assignment in question.

Any student who commits a Level Two violation will receive no credit for the entire assignment in question; and, in addition, a reduction in the course grade by two full letter grades, i.e., 20% (e.g., from a B- to a D-).

Any student who commits a Level Three violation is mandated by the University to receive a disciplinary failure for the course. (This will automatically appear on the student’s transcript.)  As your professor, UNI also requires me to reprimand the student in writing in the form of a letter addressed to the student and copied to the Head of the Department of Philosophy and World Religions, the student’s department head (if different) and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.


Disabilities: I will make every effort to accommodate disabilities. Please contact me if I can be of assistance in this area. All qualified students with disabilities are protected under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C.A., Section 12101. The ADA states that “no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.” Students who desire or need instructional accommodations or assistance because of their disability should contact the Office of Disability Services located in 213 Student Services Center (273-2676 Voice, or 273-3011 TTY).


Tentative course schedule:

I. Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology (c. 1900-1938)

22 Aug.: Introduction.  Background to phenomenology: Psychologism, Naturalism, and neo-Kantianism.  Read, prior to this first class meeting, Heidegger, History of the Concept of Time (1925), pp. 3-26; here’s a worksheet on the reading. I plan for us to use this handout in class.

24 Aug.: Heidegger, History of the Concept of Time, pp. 29-47.  Here’s a worksheet and a handout.  Merleau-Ponty reading on psychology, the body, and lower and higher forms of behavior: from The Structure of Behavior (1942), pp. 43-49.

29 Aug.: Intentionality: empty and fulfilled intentions, and “truth” as “e-vidence”: HCT, pp. 47-72 Worksheet1 Worksheet2; Handout; Handout M.-P. reading on the evidence of perception: from Phenomenology of Perception (1945); hereafter “P.P.”: pp. 191-197.

31 Aug.: Perception, synthesis, and ideation; and phenomenology as the analytic description of intentionality in its a priori: HCT, pp. 72-94 Worksheet Handout.  M.-P. reading on the subject of perception and perceptual synthesis: from P.P., pp. 126-135.

5 Sept.: Internal time as impression, flow, and retention: read Husserl, Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1905); in course packet, pp. 3-36; here’s the worksheet. Please make sure to print out this diagram of Husserl’s view of time-consciousness; I plan to use it in our discussions in class.  By this point, you must have submitted at least one worksheet and/or analytic response paper.

7 Sept.: The constitution of the transcendent objects of external time on the basis of the immanent objects of internal time: Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (in course packet), pp. 37-43, 47-49, 51-52, 57-59, 66-73, 95-101 (in course packet) Worksheet.  M.-P. reading on the body’s role in supplying the meaning in terms of which things serve as norms for perception: from P.P., pp. 79-84, 135-145.

12 Sept.: Husserl’s method for transcendental phenomenology: HCT, pp. 94-107; and selections from Husserl’s Logical Investigations (1901): in course packet and The Idea of Phenomenology (1907): in course packet. Worksheet Handout.  M.-P. reading on phenomenological method: from P.P., pp. 62-78. M.-P. Handout.

14 Sept.: Husserl’s neglect of the question of the being of the intentional entity: HCT, pp. 108-131 Worksheet.  M.-P. reading on thinking (the “cogito”) as infinite or finite: from P.P., pp. 166-173. By this point, you must have submitted at least two worksheets and/or analytic response papers.


II. Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology (1920-1930)

19 Sept.: The question of being: HCT, pp. 135-144; and Being and Time (1927), BT sections 1-5.  (Important) explanation of translations of termsWorksheetHandout.

21 Sept.:  Heidegger’s phenomenological method and the project of Being and Time: BT sections 6-9 and the selection from Basic Problems of Phenomenology (1927): in course packet. Worksheet.  

26 Sept.:  Dasein’s encounters of “handy” intraworldly entities; BT sections 10-14; and M.-P. reading on the behavioral environment as not represented by a thinking subject: from The Structure of Behavior, pp. 49-52, 57-61 HandoutBy this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least three worksheets and/or analytic response papers.

28 Sept.:  Dasein as being-in-the-world: BT sections 15-18.  M.-P. on the lived body: from P.P., pp. 85-101 Handout.  

3 Oct.:  Heidegger’s critique of Descartes’ view of the relation between mind and world, or subject and object.  (Note that this is also a major, but implicit, criticism of Husserl’s view of the same thing): BT sections 19-21.  Important worksheet . By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least four analytic response papers.

5 Oct.: Dasein’s spatiality: BT sections 22-24, and selections from “The Origin of the Work of Art” (to be handed out in class).  Very important M.-P. reading on “concrete” and “abstract” movement: from P.P., pp. 101-125 Handout. Handout on “reliability” in “The Origin of the Work of Art.”

10 Oct.: Being-with-others: BT sections 25-27; and M.P. on our relations with other human beings: from The Structure of Behavior, pp. 52-57; from P.P., pp 145-165, 171-173; Handout. optional but recommended: from “The Intertwining – the Chiasm” (1959), pp. 247-271.

12 Oct.: Being-in: disposedness, understanding, interpretation, language, BT sections 28-33.  M.-P. reading on intentionality as affective and projecting: from P.P., pp. 173-182 (optional: “The algorithm and the mystery of language” from The Prose of the World [1952], pp. 234-246) Handout. By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least five analytic response papers.

17 Oct.: Discourse, con-currence, de-clining, care, and anxiety: BT sections 34-41.  Handout on possibilities.  M.-P. reading on encountering things as scientific objects, and language: from P.P., pp. 182-191, 200-209. Handout on sections 34-38. Handout on sections 39-41.

19 Oct: Reality and truth: BT Sections 43 and 44.  M.-P. reading against a skeptical solipsism of the thinking cogito: from P.P., pp. 166-170, 173-175, 198-199. Handout on sections 43-44.  By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least six worksheets and/or analytic response papers.

III. Foucault’s analyses of modern power

and the “constitution” of the modern subject (1971-1983)

24 Oct.: “The Body of the Condemned,” “Docile Bodies,” and “The Means of Correct Training” from Discipline and Punish (1975): The Foucault Reader, pp. 170-205); Handout.  

26 Oct.: “Panopticism,” “Complete and Austere Institutions”, “Illegalities and Delinquency”, and “The Carceral” from Discipline and Punish (1975; FR, pp. 206-238); and “The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century” (1976): FR, pp. 273-289 Handout. (Helpful) additional handout.  By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least seven worksheets and/or analytic response papers.

31 Oct.: “Space, Knowledge, and Power” (1982): FR, pp. 239-256; and “Truth and Power” (1976/7): FR pp. 51-75. Handout.  

2 Nov.: “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History” (1971): FR, pp. 76-100. Handout.

7 Nov.: “Right of Death and Power over Life”, “We ‘Other Victorians’” from History of Sexuality, Volume I: The Will to Truth (1976): FR, pp. 258-272. Handout.  First paper due.

9 Nov.: and “The Repressive Hypothesis: The Incitement to Discourse” and “The Repressive Hypothesis: The Perverse Implantation” from History of Sexuality, Volume I: The Will to Truth (FR, pp. 292-329) Handout.  By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least eight worksheets and/or analytic response papers.


IV. Death, self-ownership (“authenticity”), freedom, and temporality (1924-1945)

14 Nov.: Being-toward-death: BT sections 45-52. Handout.

16 Nov.: Existential “conscience” and “owing” (or “guilt”): BT sections 53-57. Handout.

28 Nov.: Self-ownership (or “authenticity”) as responding to the call of conscience by owning up to one’s ec-sistential owing: BT Sections 58, 60, and 62. Handout.  By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of at least nine worksheets and/or analytic response papers.

30 Nov.: Self-owning (or “authentic”) temporality as Dasein’s freedom for its own possibilities: Selections from On the Essence of Reasons (1928; really “From the Presencing of the Ground”; in course packet); BT section 65. Handout.  Worksheet on Bergman’s “The Seventh Seal.”

5 Dec.: Dasein’s temporality and transmittedness (or historicity):  BT sections 68a, 69c, and 74.  M.P. on freedom: from P.P., pp. 209-233 Handout.

7 Dec.: Intratimeliness and its foundation in Dasein’s temporality: BT Sections 79-81 Handout.

By this point, you must have submitted the equivalent of all ten worksheets and/or analytic response papers.

Tuesday, December 12: Final paper due by 3pm in my mailbox in the Department of Philosophy & World Religions office, 1089 Bartlett.